qualification Requirement


Application Tracks

For prospective applicants interested in applying for the TEP or TEPE curriculum, there are multiple tracks available to choose from that align with their qualifications. We offer three international rounds, allowing applicants to select one track out of three options. Additionally, we are open in the TCAS system during the portfolio round. You can find detailed information about each track in the section below.

International Application Rounds (Accepting applications now )

In the international application rounds, TEP-TEPE offers three types of admission application tracks. Applicants are advised to choose the most appropriate track for their applications.

Track 1 - Portfolio Submission

Applicants are encouraged to provide their academic portfolios to the committee along with their English language proficiency, in accordance with the application requirements. These portfolios should include academic work related to the areas of science, mathematics, and technology.

Track 2 - High School Academic Record Submission

Applicants are encouraged to provide the following documents with their application:

For applicants in their final year of high school:

For applicants who have completed high school:

In cases where academic results are not presented on a 4.00 GPA scale, the selection committee will exercise discretion when comparing these results.

Track 3 - Standardized Test Score Submission 

Applicants are advised to submit only one type of standardized test score from the list below. 

Prospective applicants must submit English Proficiency Test scores.

English Proficiency Test score

Having English test results that fulfill the standards of an international program, as shown in the following section. The results must not exceed two year up to the admission date.

Acceptance with an unconditional offer  

choose one from the following list:

Acceptance with a conditional offer  

choose one from the following list:

TCAS application Round

Prospective applicant can submit their admission applications via the TCAS (Thai University Central Admission System). TEP-TEPE is open for applications during the TCAS Portfolio round. 

To apply, Applicants are required to submit the following documents:


The application process can be completed online at www.tuadmissions.in.th.